Kim Beom has been cast as the lead in Hong Kong native Tsui Hark's new film. The movie, tentatively titled "Detective Dee Pr...
Brazil to get taste of Korean cinema
The film "The Taste of Money", directed by homegrown talent Lim Sang-soo, has been selected to be screened at this year's...
Movies at the palace: Sensible or sacrilege?
A recent outdoor screening of "I Am a King" at Deoksu Palace has stirred debate over the proper use of Korea's historic l...
Korean Movies Find New Recipe for Success
A series of successful domestic films at the box office hints at the changing face of Korean cinema. "The Thieves", which was...
"Deranged" invited to Spain's Sitges Film Festival
The movie "Deranged" has been officially invited to the 45th Sitges Film Festival. "Deranged" has officially been...
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